Great Gobbler Contest on None

Valdese, NC

No upcoming dates for this event.

How it works:

  1. Pick up a poster of the Great Gobbler at the Old Rock School or Farris Insurance Agency for your family
  2. Around the poster, list items you are thankful for - the more the better!
  3. Use your family’s best artistic skills to create a Thanksgiving work of art - GET Creative!
  4. Gather your family around your masterpiece and take a photo
  5. E-mail your photo to [email protected] - or message it to Town of Valdese on Facebook by
  6. Submitted art pieces will be judged by Pete the Pilgrim
  7. Winners will be announced via Facebook on 11/21/2022 by 4:00 P.M.!


First Place: $100 in local restaurant gift cards, A TURKEY! & all the groceries for a Thanksgiving Dinner

Second Place: $75 in local restaurant gift cards, A TURKEY! & all the groceries for a Thanksgiving Dinner

Third Place: $50 in local restaurant gift cards, A TURKEY! & all the groceries for a Thanksgiving Dinner

Honorable Mention: $25 restaurant gift card and A TURKEY!

Special thank you to Farris Insurance Agency for providing the turkeys & Pete the Pilgrim!

Farris Insurance Burgundy Logo.JPG