McGalliard Falls Park
Located just off Church Street, the park is a popular gathering spot for families and friends looking for a place to have a picnic and enjoy some recreational activities. It is located at 1400 Falls Road, NW. The park has a volleyball court, a nature trail, picnic facilities and restrooms in addition to the natural attraction of the falls. The picnic shelter may be rented by contacting the Valdese Recreation Department at 828-879-2132. Each June, in the creek above the falls, the Town of Valdese holds a fishing tournament for area youth and seniors.
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Centennial Fountain Park

McGalliard Creek Bridge
McGalliard Creek Bridge

Village Park Mural
Artist Clive Haynes’ thirty by ninety foot mural, painted on the side of a building depicts images of the Italian village where the Waldensians lived until they moved to North Carolina.